Amazing Amazonite

Amazing Amazonite

All the beautiful emotional words that link with Amazonite are there to be applied first to oneself:

Sincerity, love, honesty, integrity, eloquence and clarity. We can apply these lush labels to how we interact with ourselves, we are placed in an amazing space to manifest our path of magic in the world. 

Amazonite is also connected to the heart chakra, the place that streams with light and makes way for love to be given and received. When the heart chakra is blocked it can be a struggle to trust anyone and to open yourself up to let in the kindness that the world has to give, which can have a knock-on effect for your own sense of self-worth and cause destructive patterns to show up time and time again.

Amazonite is an amazing tool for helping disperse all that built-up negative energy from your world. Whether its harsh words you hold for yourself, unfair opinions, physical side effects from all around, or toxic attitudes from other people, this is a gemstone that will soak that all up and disperse of it in a way that leaves you clear-eyed and positively minded.

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