Anyone suffering from Asthma? What are you cleaning with..

Anyone suffering from Asthma? What are you cleaning with..

Sometime ago we sent an email all about Sage and the benefits of cleansing (or smudging) your homes and the huge benefits associated with this ancient tradition. There is now even more research to show which we wanted to share with you... together with a recipe to make your own floor/surface cleaner which is really easy.

The ancient ritual of burning sage to purify the air turns out to be more than a superstition!
The Native American ritual of “smudging” or burning sage to clear the air of “bad energy” turns out to ward away more than just “negative vibes.”
A recent study showed burning the herb in a room for an hour reduced the number of airborne bacteria by a whopping 94%.
The room remained almost entirely disinfected for over 24 hours, and seven strains of disease-causing bacteria previously present in the room still could not be detected 30 days later.
”We have demonstrated that using medicinal smoke it is possible to completely eliminate diverse plant and human pathogenic bacteria of the air within confined space,” wrote the study’s authors, from the National Botanical Research Institute in India.
Sage is also used in herbal medicine internally as a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
The smoke created by burning the plant is also used as an insect repellent.
So instead of an expensive air purifier, you might try sage instead!

Make your own!

You’ve swapped to a refillable coffee cup; you reuse your plastic bags; you carry your glass water bottle everywhere; but what about the contents of your cleaning cupboard? It’s easier than ever to make the switch to planet-friendly products and give your home a cleaner bill of health.
If you or anyone in your household has asthma, the decision to change may well be more urgent. Some researchers believe the rising use of toxic chemicals is related to increasing instances of childhood asthma. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are particularly bad for asthma sufferers. They appear in cleaning ingredients such as acetone, ammonia and benzene, as well as air fresheners, chlorine bleach, detergent and dishwashing liquids, window and glass cleaners, rug and upholstery cleaners and oven cleaners. Children can be especially vulnerable because they put their hands into their mouths. It has even been suggested that unborn babies are at risk as fumes or vapours pass through the maternal skin.

DIY All Purpose Pine Cleaner

We made this up and use it on the office floors - although we have several ready made cleaners, we like to experiment and make recipes up too so here is a really easy one...

32 ozs pure hot water
1.5 teaspoons of liquid castille soap
6 drops of pine essential oil
4 drops of rosemary essential oil
Mix together and store in a spray bottle and use directly onto surfaces (if using a steamer mop, spray onto the floor then steam away!
No rinsing required

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