
Ask and It Is Given - Oracle Cards


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A 60 card deck by Esther & Jerry Hicks

These magical cards by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical entities known as Abraham, capture the essence of the life-changing, best-selling book Ask and It Is Given. A gentle stroll through these cards will return you to your personal power. 

An Excerpt From Inside
"Dear Friends,
You will experience an enhancing of your personal power, which may, at first, seem illogical or even magical, as the Energy Stream from which these cards have come dovetails with the true essence of your own being.

As you return for frequent visits to these beautiful cards, you will begin to notice a definite closing of the gap between where you are and where you want to be on all subjects that are important to you.

Have fun with this!

Our love,
Esther and Jerry Hicks

Category: Cards, Oracle

Type: Cards

Vendor: Holistic

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