There is no need to put chemicals in your pits. Essential oils and Coconut oil...
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Charcoal Black Eyeliner Eye Coal is in pot form and is rich and dense, a...
Boldly Brown EyelinerOur Earth Eye Coal is a chocolatey and rich soil brown. Made for...
Black Walnut & Oregon Grape RootThe potent power of herbs mixed with white clay makes...
Soothing Baby Powder with Marshmallow Root Dust that baby bum with plants that help absorb...
Rhassoul Clay & Goldenseal Purifying ScrubDon’t forget that nutrients aren’t just in what you eat....
Ultramarine Blue EyelinerRemember rocking blue mascara real, real hard? Subtle yet electric. An ultramarine colour...
Leafy Green Eyeliner Green, the ubiquitous colour of life and growth, is embodied by our...